Sunday, March 25, 2012


I was dreaming again, only this time it felt more real.

I was in this cold empty room.. Staring at this corner in pitch black darkness. There's barely a sound to escape the narrow halls from where I've walked pass. I was in complete solitude. My bare cold feet was grinding itself against the dirty floors as I started to feel so uneasy. I'm getting colder and colder by the second, like someone was lowering the thermostat down. I could see my breath, it was pale white and frothy. I was shivering like a wet dog. I tried to walk further towards that corner, but something was holding me back. I looked behind me and had made a mistake on taking a step forward.

I fell into a torture chamber. Everything changed. Now the room was steamy and humid. People were screaming, some were writhing in pain. I was lying in this thick, sticky, dark fluid flowing over by the locked door just ahead of me. I looked at my hand trying to explain what's really happening around me. It looks like I feel back into some kind of vortex that made me travel back through time.  I scrambled myself up, trying not to get much attention to myself and walked straight to that door. When I opened it... I woke up.


I woke up to the feeling of restlessness. My body ached as if it really happened. I grabbed for my clock by my bedside table and saw that it was about 4:45 in the afternoon. My eyes widened and my energy seemed to regain on itself as I scrambled out of the bed to get ready for work. What is happening to me? I've been dreaming like this for the past couple of days. Am I driving myself insane? I'm sweating like hell. I even feel a bit feverish. What's exactly going on?

The way to my psychiatrist was just a block and a half from where I lived. I guess it wouldn't hurt if I'd swing by. My dreams are getting worse, I have to consult him. Come to think of it, I can't remember when was the last time I went there to have a daily briefing about the nightmares. My mom kept advising me to go see him, cause she alone can't handle the morbid images that I kept seeing.

My mind kept repeating the same images I saw right before I woke up. Funny though, how it really was the same dream repeating all by itself like it's telling me how demented I am? But the nightmares were just too much, its practically damaging my life, school and everything else I had failed to remember.

"Excuse me, I called in earlier?"

"The Doctor will be with you in a moment, please have a seat"

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